And oh yeah… you’re a braver man than I. If I broke my foot, the last place I’d go right now is a hospital. I’d look up a veterinarian.

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My new argument against the pro choice crowd.

“Relax…no one’s taking away your abortions, you still have the COVID vaccine for that.”

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Get better soon!! and without getting mauled by the hospital ;)

Better not let the doctors see what you're writing :))

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Kicking ass is dangerous occupation! (Assume that’s what happened to your feet:))

Have a speedy recovery

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Great catch. While we're at it, doesn't the Novavax data on miscarriages look quite scary, to say the least: 25 miscarriages, 41 live births, and 56 ongoing. https://www.fda.gov/media/158912/download - page 67. Even in the best case that most of those ongoing pregnancies are successful, doesn't that still amount to a worrisome miscarriage rate?

Its randomized clinical trial also had a 60% increase in reproductive system disorders versus placebo: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2116185/suppl_file/nejmoa2116185_appendix.pdf - page 48 under Table S14.

Even worse, that same Table S14 shows nearly double the incidence rate of neoplasms (tumors) in the Novavax group as the placebo group, in the short study period of just a few months. YIKES. So much for being a "safe alternative" to the dangerous mRNA shots.

Anyway, hope you heal soon, and keep yourself safe in the hospital for sure.

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Get well soon, friend!

A broken foot is "asymptomatic covid" in hospital speak...

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor, you've been kicking ass for ages and now you've broke your foot. Curious to know which hardass you just took on and how hard you kicked them.

Keep on kicking; you have another foot!

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the big question is: what is the background rate of miscarriages in the pre-vaccinated or unvaccinated population? maybe women used to have miscarriages at a rate of 500 per 12,000 so the Pfizer shot actually reduced the rate of miscarriages.

this is BS of course, but without the background rate from the good old days before the mRNA shots were introduced, all you can really say is that women who had the Moderna shots had more miscarriages then women who took the Pfizer shot.

the health coach at my doctor's "knew" after two miscarriages in their practice soon after the rollout that the mRNA shots were "messing with women's hormones."

please be careful behind enemy lines!

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Very disturbing information from Dr. John Campbell. See. https://youtu.be/wj4rE0LrpR0.

Per the Telegraph newspaper, NHS classifying newborn deaths as stillborns. Coroners can only hold inquests if a baby shows signs of life after being born. Seems to me that all baby deaths should be investigated, no matter the stage of life, before or after birth. I mean, they were all alive at one point in time. Laws need to change. The completely unnecessary and unimaginable loss that these families are enduring is just heartbreaking to me.

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No pregnant woman should EVER be inoculated with anything. No exceptions. Baby and mother have a unique biological relationship that should never be disturbed. After birth, natural breast-feeding helps the infant make minute adjustments with the immune system, this can continue up to 2 years. Nature, ........ society should start trusting it again.

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor, thank you for continuing to share your research and wisdom with us. Especially in light of that criminal vote on the injections for children today, it’s comforting to know there are many who see what’s really happening. I hope you have a speedy and complete healing of your foot. 🕊

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

To answer your question, yes. 4 months gestation. Healthy pregnancy by all indications. Mom resisted the pressure to vax until the CDC started targeting pregnant women with scare tactics about the virus harming babies. So she got the Pfizer vax. 1 dose. The next day they lost the fetal heartbeat. 💔

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Hypothesis: mRNA and adenoviral vaccinations can induce a histamine surge in response to vaccination (these are high reactogenicity vaccines). Diamine oxidase is normally upregulated roughly 500-fold in pregnancy to protect fetuses from elevated histamine levels. Some individuals can be temporarily histamine intolerant (foods, drugs, microbiome, etc.). What could possibly go wrong??? Suggestion: read this post by Igor Chudov

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Although I love what you write and feel lucky to be able to read your work , you had me at your broken foot on this one . Oh dear , so many things to deal with when the world seems as if it's on fire. I see, where in this case , an ER visit has it's perks . As always, I am getting the benefit from what you do , no matter where you are . Thank you .

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

What I'd like to learn is whether getting the shots prior to becoming pregnant (as opposed to while pregnant) is predictive of miscarriage. Loved one in our family got 2-shot series last year and has since had 2 miscarriages.

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor, I'm confident you still won't miss a step! Way to play injured.

Nice job. That is good data to have that Moderna is more dangerous in pregnancy than Pfizer, as one would tend to expect. Could the same data be mined to compare the vaxxed women to unvaxxed pregnant women for miscarriages? That would also be good to have for the bigger question of how much more risk of miscarriage do the vaxxes carry over good old fashioned pureblood parenthood.

Perhaps this is in Arkmedics article, which I haven't read yet, or has someone else already done that analysis with this data?

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