Nov 20, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Thank you so much for following and exposing these Criminals.

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Nov 20, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

It wouldn’t surprise me if they have already started counting people who haven’t had the booster as unvaccinated for the 11/17 vs 11/19 count. SCC is pushing the third shot hard. It’s crazy here.

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Nov 20, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

I live in Contra Costa county...I've similar anomalies but didn't archive.

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Nov 20, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

As with NOAA weather data, so with SCC “Covid” data; it’s a peculiar statistical effect known as Lysenkosis.

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Nov 21, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

awesome! thanks - maybe this would help? they have a few snapshots of the website. matching your screenshots with their will provide extra credibility if ever needed. its the webarchive at : https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://covid19.sccgov.org/dashboard-case-rates-vaccination-status

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Nov 21, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Perhaps they are only recording the NUMBER (not rate) of unvaccinated cases back in August (or whatever), but then incorrectly dividing them by the CURRENT number of unvaccinated people, which presumably continues to decrease, thus making the past numbers larger?

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I think there is something wrong with the Marin data- I'm not mathematician, but the numbers don't seem to add up. I'm from Marin, and my dad still lives there (I live in Santa Clara County now, and I can tell you many people have been watching those numbers closely throughout 2020 and 2021, and are just as annoyed as you- they've been changing the data every single week, or hiding how they count cases) In Sept my dad sent me the main landing page for the Marin County covid site, to show me how bad it is. It's filled with many graphs, all showing scary things, but they each had a link to the data that the graphs used to populate. For transparency I imagine. According to their chart for deaths in Marin due to covid, they listed the death rate for 35-49 year olds as 2% total for the pandemic in September. I thought that was extremely high, (especially since studies show an extremely high survival rate for that age range) So I clicked the link to the actual data. Out of 3,510 patients in that age group (mine), only 4 had died at that time. Total, since the pandemic began. I'm not mathematician, those death numbers don't add up to 2 percent death rate- could they be adjusting and just not explaining why? I just went back to the website, and it's still not right. They've added a percent because two more people in that age range have died- the total cases now come to 3841, with 6 deaths. Perhaps they are adjusting...something.....? IDK but to a layman it seems very wonky. Thoughts?

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Nov 24, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

santa clara/silicon valley is dominated nowadays (sadly, like my own san francisco these days) by a weird kind of woke yuppie type. Chock full of self-righteous 'progressive' self-regard thinly masking intense self-centered materialism. It's both weird and a huge disappointment. Hard to figure pout, exactly, but their covid fanaticism is related in some way to their immense narcisism.

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Nov 21, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Yeah, my only guess would be that they're recalculating the data as the definition of "fully vaxed" changes, but I am not a numbers person. Something is motivating the local authorities, maybe a structured bonus for good results. Only hospitalizations are even semi-useful, the PCR results just being noise, with a false positive (often at a rate of <90%) counted as an infection, different cycle counts for the vaxed, and multiple tests on the same people.

I don't know if “Powerbigov” would work here, but you can make multiple archives on demand at https://archive.fo/

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Nov 21, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Euggypius has a good article today about a German state newsreader blaming the unvaccinated and calling for forced vaxxing measures against them. How will people respond to such open attacks on them that threaten their very lives? Dark times.


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So, did you get an answer? If so, please share it with us.

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Friend, perhaps you should get on fiverr and hire a food-taster and car-starter. They will not enjoy your diligence, even though we will. Thanks-

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