We're being told to believe there are three viruses - alpha, delta, and omicron. Another lie. There are millions of variants. Mutation is inherent in RNA replication. We can only tell with sequencing, which is seldom done. Mutations will continue to arise, avoiding previous vaxes and adapted immunity. This virus, like all others, will continue to mutate, creating new variants, culling the weaklings, bothering the relatively healthy.

Competent medical industry would be determining why a few are vulnerable while most are not. Competent medical industry would be identifying the vulnerable and helping them improve their vulnerabilities. Competent medical industry would be focusing on therapies instead of chasing unique, temporary RNA configurations. Our medical industry seems to be competent only in selling vaccines. We really need to fix the medical industry.

Published data is designed to divert our attention from their failures. We will continue to line up for useless injections and nasal swabs until enough people recognize the scam, and demand that it stop. Apparently most of us like it, and are trained for perpetual hysteria.

I predict this will continue until November, after which the insanity will spike. Dangerous times.

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Dec 31, 2021·edited Dec 31, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

I love your spirit so much Igor, this substack is like having a really good in-depth gossip in the pub. I’m also intrigued (if I might say so!) you’re an atheist (I think I read that you wrote this) as many people I talk to have begun a deep dive into some personal spiritual journey in order to cope with the Covid narrative. Maybe an idea of a God doesn’t belong in your love of chaos, but anyway intriguing how people are dealing with the craziness. Thank you for keeping this forum free by the way. I was a bit disappointed that Dr Malone hasn’t done so with his, he’d almost certainly get more comments and debate on his sub. I’m in the UK, unvaxxed and have lost friends and family over this (banned from the family Christmas). It is astonishing. I still find myself months into this narrative “feeling astonished” and yet ... I’m surrounded by vaxxed people I know coming down with omnibollocks.

I hope your predictions are wrong...

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

What would happen if the government issued Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine over the counter?

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Very sad to see so many so quick to criticize Igor. Now more than ever we need critical thinkers who are willing to go out on a limb and challenge conventional thinking of people like Faucci et al. Will Igor ultimately proved to be right? I have no idea, but I welcome people like him who are willing to make us think about alternative analysis. Clearly conventional thinking is not going to get us out of this madness.

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

If we all kept quiet until we were 100% certain, all we ever could communicate would be "What happened?". Daring to say "I think this will happen, because..." is something we must allow eachother as well as reserving the right to be wrong.

The pessimist's blessing, sort of: I think this will happen, but I'll be happy if I'm wrong.

Far better than the optimists curse: I think that must happen, and if it doesn't, it must be made to happen!

Also: if Xi (Omicron) happens to cause wreck and ruin, it will be blamed on people not getting n+1 shots. If Xi (Omicron) isn't worse than the common cold it will be lauded as due to stringent vaccine-mandates. Heads I win, tails you lose is the tune of the elite. In that tune lies a lesson about the nautre of power:

Power doesn't corrupt. That is a lie made true by those denying their own propensity for rationalising their morals. Corrupt people use power for corrupt means.

The righteous does what is right, no matter personal cost or loss of profit. The corrupt hums and haws and rationalises using semantics. The corrupt blames circumstance: the righteous stands by their actions.

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Also there will be a big unity march against mandates in DC on January 23 - maybe good timing.

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Dec 31, 2021·edited Dec 31, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Well, I agree with your first few paragraphs and that's about it! This essay will not age well at all. In fact, it's already out of date. Almost all data points clearly toward Omicron being a nothingburger. South Africa's peak of new cases is already well behind us, falling as fast as it rose. And you don't mention Dr. Abdullah's report on South African hospitalizations that found large majority were the result of testing all patients upon admission to hospitals for Covid regardless of why they were going to the hospital. And oodles of false positives result from this testing of asymptomatics no matter what the setting. I respect your work and your willingness to go against the grain but I think you've got this one wildly wrong. https://tamhunt.medium.com/yes-we-are-well-into-casedemic-territory-in-the-us-7f20d5aacf6e

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

A really big thanks. Your model captures the importance of exponential thinking, a Lesson evidently Not Learned from the pandemic to date by our public health authorities, politicians, the general public, etc.

Its deja vu all over again, but worse.

Given that the vaccines seems to reprogram natural immunity for the spike protein, your estimate of the infectable population is probably low.

Secondly, about 10% of hospitalized get debilitating long Covid which also helps overwhelm the health care system - about 10 million, who will be long term out of the workforce,

Finally I still worry about a delta wave lengthening the Omicron.

Timing-wise, it hits through the Beijing Olympics - last Olympics (Sochi) the US pressured Ukraine to try and seize Crimea.

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Out of all that I read about Covid and the nonsense reaction to it, you are literally the only person saying anything like this. I find that interesting. Time will tell...

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

I hope you're wrong, but I fear that you are correct about the chaos that will happen in mid-January. I live in rural Canada, and it's currently -30C. Without power, we will have a real problem on our hands. Even natural gas furnaces do not operate without power.

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Also, I think you have it backwards regarding testing. With the massive increase in home testing with worthless antigen tests all of those negative tests (and with oodles of false positives, which are still a small minority of all tests taken even with high numbers of false positives), the positivity rate for PCR testing is very significantly skewed upwards. Here's how: people don't report negative antigen test results to the authorities. Generally, only positive antigen tests will lead to taking a PCR test and most jurisdictions only track PCR test results. But if all of those hundreds to one negative antigen test results are ignored and that one in a hundred positive test result (whether true positive or false positive) leads to a PCR test being taken, the denominator of the positivity rate calculation is substantially reduced. And that means the positivity rate is artificially high for PCR tests, which leads to yet another major distortion in the public stats. Thoughts? I'm not sure how we could track the degree of distortion in positivity rates, but with the renewed focus on very high positivity rates it's important that we think this one through. For example, where I live in Hawaii the positivity rate is now up to 15%, very much higher than it has been in past waves. And cases are way higher than past waves too. And yet hospitalizations and deaths have barely budged, which is more strong support for casedemic.

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

If Omicron ends up as the last gasp for covid and the illness is accepted as being clinically mild for most ( we will see), the mandatory vaccine crowd is going to have a hard time giving up masks, social distancing and the shot. Some of the recent CDC/Fauci policy seems like they are just slightly trying to soften a tiny bit.

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Everybody just wanted life to go on as it was right before this madness started. Now, governments across the planet have made it so that a major collapse is very likely. We're seeing virtual stampedes -- like that of frightened herd animals -- for testing, for hospital at the slightest possible indication of a problem. This madness, more than anything else, is what cannot be sustained. It's like driving down the wrong side of the freeway, full throttle, while blindfolded in rush hour. Just less "spectacular" in terms of immediate disaster.

As Walter White (Breaking Bad) said "Those consequences. They're coming."

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The fog of Omicron is made foggier by Rochelle Walensky putting the final nail in the coffin of PCR testing credibility.


At this point, there not only is not a "gold standard" of diagnostic testing for COVID-19, there's no good standard at all.

We are, amazingly enough, two years into a pandemic without any reliable data on how many cases we have had, ever. The true numbers could be as low as 1/10 of what's been reported.

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Dec 31, 2021·edited Dec 31, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Two other major issues:

1) you state Omicron deaths figures in UK as though that has any meaning whatsoever. It's been transparent for a very long time now that deaths "with" Covid are the vast majority of Covid deaths data, not "from" Covid. So why play into that obviously incorrect paradigm at all?

2) you also continue to ignore the overwhelming data showing that the large majority of Covid hospitalizations are incidental to any Covid diagnosis. This happens b/c all patients are tested upon admission to hospitals and before surgeries, regardless of why they are at the hospital. This leads to huge numbers of false positives. It's even been quantified well in Webb and Osburn 2021, looking at a larger SoCal pediatric (under 22 year olds) hospital, through examining by hand all of the alleged Covid hospitalizations.

These two doctors actually work at this hospital and they found after hand examination that fully 87% of Covid hospitalization patients were either incidental to Covid or only minimally related to Covid. In other words these 87% of patients were NOT in the hospital b/c of Covid. And this same logic extends to "Covid deaths," which the authors confirmed with me in private dialogue.

And this same logic also applies far more substantially to older hospital patients and deaths b/c the pediatric patients only had on average 1 comorbidity, whereas in the US the average Covid death has 4 (!!) comorbidities and is 76 years old, and almost half of them lived in nursing homes before dying with Covid. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34011567/

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MTA Suspends 2 Train Lines Because Of COVID-Linked Staff Shortage


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