May 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The night after my partner got his second shot (I know, I know.. I was against it, but he wouldn’t listen) I was sleeping next to him and woke up at 3am to the sensation that I was FREEZING cold. It was June, hot a hell and I was full-body shivering so badly that I had to crawl to the bathroom and get under the shower to try and “warm” myself up. I have had shivers like that before when I was ill in the past, but this was on another level. The shaking attack lasted 5 minutes and was the most intense and totally freaky immune reaction I’ve ever experienced. I was a few weeks pregnant at the time and started bleeding two days later. Luckily I didn’t miscarry the pregnancy and proceeded to avoid getting the vaccines myself and stay well, but man it was weird. I know it’s anecdotal but since then I’ve been pretty convinced that shedding is a real phenomena - interesting to finally see it confirmed!

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May 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I think it’s a terrible thing since these antibodies are now obsolete and infection-promoting. I do think it’s still probably negligible unless you have close personal contact like a parent would with a child, or sexual partners would. I would hope these antibodies do not out-compete a child’s innate natural antibodies. This would be very bad news.

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May 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Vaccinated people are literally infecting people around them. Literally because production of antibodies (assuming Mr. Chudov is correct and they are produced instead of landing there) means they were produced to combat an infection of whatever is being shed. They won't like that when they find out. I don't like it either. I have never been so glad to have chosen to homeschool.

Think about it: if the vaccines do produce antigenic fixation that impairs immune response to later variants, then vaccinated are actively spreading the antigenic fixation which will possibly later cause antibody dependent enhancement. That is frightening.

There needs to be intensive research to discover how long the shedding continues.

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May 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

So it’s basically impossible to protect yourself from being exposed to the toxic concoction, since most of us are exposed to those who have had the injections. In which case, it’s the uninjected that needs to be protected from the injected. This road just gets twistier every day.

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May 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I am confused. Parents are shedding antibodies. I could see passive transfer, sort of like colostrum. But how do spike antibodies induce spike antibodies? Wouldn't it be more likely that vaccinated parents are shedding spike protein, which is inducing antibodies in the kids. Otherwise, they would be producing antibodies to the antibodies.

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May 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Both my daughter and I experienced menstrual irregularities within 48 hrs of my elderly father's first vax. We were taking care of him and my sister insisted he be vaxxed. He developed a mild sinus condition afterward, while we had severe issues. Fast froward, he was placed in a facility due to his dementia and last fall he received a first booster, a heart attack occurred a week later. Last week, he was given another booster and this week he had another heart attack. The ignorance and stupidity of my own family members and facility medical personnel is stunning. I am concerned about the effects of vax shedding as it directly affected our hormones and uteruses.

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May 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Is this why Pfizer trial docs said on page 62, iirc, that exposure could occur from inhalation or skin contact?

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May 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

i suspect the ministry of truth will have something outlandish to say. either way it makes me want to avoid the jabbed even more.

i hope i never need a blood transfusion for even more reasons than if i need one im already in trouble

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Just an outstanding article. I can't believe this has never been shown before. What I found earth shattering and beautiful is that natural antibodies (IgG and IGA in this case) from the disease itself can spread from one person to others and within families. Of course this would be a way of nature protecting a species and preserving family and tribal units. It is how outbreaks self limit so quickly and herd immunity can be turbo charged. Vaccines aside, this article and further confirmatory work could be game changing.

Of course the grave concern is that ABs from the vaccinated that are tuned to the narrow spike from the now extinct Wuhan may be harmful compared to ABs from the infected recovered. But we likely have ways of managing this with continued treatment protocols that are effective when people do encounter an infection they can't clear.

I think it won't be long before we all realize that maybe we never needed vaccines for the most part and that they do more harm than good in nearly all scenarios. Looking forward to more processing of this finding, and for Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche's thoughts.

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Hmmm. Interesting. If this becomes widely known, I imagine it will be accompanied by the assumption that this is a) a positive development and may provide kids protection, and b)not enough protection to preclude getting shots. But I think it's more likely that spike protein is shedding and kids in the same households are creating immune responses to those proteins. Do we know whether kids developed any symptoms?

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May 2, 2022·edited May 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It's a good thing if you don't care about Informed Consent?

Self-spreading "vaccines" are in the works.

I wonder how they "spread"?

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May 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thank you for this and other excellent articles you have written on this substack. I just want to throw something "crazy" out there for consideration - given this evidence. Is it even remotely conceivable that these horrible, mysterious cases around the world of pediatric hepatitis could be linked to shedding from vaccines. Note that we had a recent study or two discussing the effect of the vaccines on the liver. This disease outbreak seems inexplicable and the only worldwide factors we have that are coincidental might be Covid-19 itself and the massive Covid-19 vaccinations. Thank you.

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Oh hey, another conspiracy theory that turned out to be a plot spoiler.

At this rate we'll be seeing Nature articles about reptoids in about a year.

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May 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Everyday I wake up thinking it can't get worse, yet it does. Everyday.

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Maybe not a good thing... According to the article above the liver damage to youngsters was possibly due to 1/ breastfeeding of vaccinated mothers, and 2/ at least 1 dose of a vaccine in some slightly older kids. If this mechanism also contributes then maybe 1/ or 2/ unnecessary...

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Brings new light to that model that claims the unvaccinated are driving cases in the vaccinated

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