Now I have to wonder what the vaccinated are shedding to those of us who didn't get shots. My menstural cycles have been normal for a year since shedding messed them up for 2 months but I still wonder.

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That means one can plan on producing that COV-BAN biosensor for life, right? Those “spike” fragments that help build neural pathways (data networks) and transceivers out of the nanodust and ones own biology

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Been saying--the US Government is our biggest security threat and the Corps (like big pharma) that control our politicians. The worst terrorist organizations in the world have nothing on these people.

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📣⚠️💉🧬 #永远不要再注射疫苗及可疑物质!/ 自由健康记者郑重提示🔔/韩荣利

📣Never inject vaccines and suspicious substances again! / Freelance health reporter solemn reminder🔔/Han Rongli

📣Ne vous injectez plus jamais de vaccins ni de substances suspectes ! / Rappel solennel du journaliste indépendant en santé🔔/Han Rongli

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This is absolutely tragic. There will be no babies, no future and invitro can't/won’t fix it. Come Lord Jesus

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The multidimensional “aliens” that we hear about are actually demons parading as aliens. These demons may in fact be comprised of future humans who have been genetically altered by today’s vaccines. They seek to keep their own bloodline alive by reintroducing uncorrupted DNA from prior to mRNA vaccines. They do this by forcibly breeding with abducted women. Since they are demonic from their transhumanist alterations, they serve Lucifer by working to convince mankind that the Annunaki story is real, that mankind was created by aliens instead of God. I know this after being visited and shown this information. I pieced some of it together after my own research. Our species will become demonic from the mRNA changes.

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Really makes you think twice about the arrest of Charles Lieber and the work he did prior to his arrest !

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My daughter, newly out of college. Idealistic and smart.. In medical school now.. fear mongered by her employer to take 3 of these BIO WEAPONS! I am filing a lawsuit against her employer !!!

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Watch the nursing homes now emptying out fast - especially in relation to those that are in the dementia care units, because their bodies could not effectively clear prions and prion like proteins in the first place. They will be repeatedly injected (immune system primed and homogenized), repeatedly reinfected and then they will rapidly head downhill fast to a quick and more humane death. For the young people genetically prone to dementia, they will get amyloid builds up in organs, other than the brain, first. Read your own comment again. In 2020 the average age of the boomers was 60. When the boomers hit 70, a massive dementia wave will hit. Look at all of the ultra processed foods that they have been eating. By 75 one third will be demented needing care. How will society function? Two people need to be employed full time to look after every single one? Dementia deaths are in my view the most horrible type of death. Amyloidosis of the heart is a much preferable option, in my opinion. The Coof spike protein is a self propagating amyloid. It is the Coof virus that does the job, using the previously imprinted immune response.

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Quit referring to this hot mess as "GENE THERAPY!!!" There is nothing whatsoever THERAPEUTIC about it. It is MURDEROUS.

Call it what it is: "Genetic TAMPERING!"

"Gene MUTILATION"........!

Anything but THERAPY, which implies something BENEFICIAL and to positively enhance, improve or heal the individual to which it is applied.

Words have POWER to influence people's beliefs. That is precisely why the Media and their handlers refer to this as gene THERAPY so that the masses will BELIEVE that the Quackzines are created for the good of all, and are "efficacious" "safe," and demonstrably "therapeutic" even though they are in actually none of these.

In reality, the Quackzines have only been proven to be '"therapeutic" to the MedicalPharmaceutical Corporatocracy's bottom line

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This is basically an in-vitro study it doesn't in any way imply what might happen in-vivo.

* additional commentary... https://www.mdpi.com/1467-3045/44/4/113/htm

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At every step of the way as the the Covid cover story was suspicious to outright incoherent.From Origin to seeding it internationally while closing domestic travel in China ,what made the ring of truth alternative source news so informative (even though it was at times hard to verify) was that the mainstream news narrative constantly gaslighting , hoodwinking and outright shamelessly lied , then continued the same in great detail at each junction. Then there’s the informed consent taken away as well as Religious rights that represent constitutional rights violations. Even simple science on the math statistics don’t reflect the actual import and implications-The crime against humanity being perpetrated internationally only makes believable sense when all the dots are connected. But oh boy each rabbit hole has more rabbit holes inside and I’ve yet to see the bottom. A comprehensive bullet point list of just the concise scope of it reads like War and Peace because while these last couple years have been exhaustive we still have quite a few chapters to go to see the real impact -

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Trump is still congratulating himself on Operation Warp Speed. What an idiot! Unfortunately many good people would vote for him all over again. Ron De Santis please save us from this clown!

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Covid seems to have been mostly an attenuated or made worse flu. Basically, a total head fake, coupled with scare tactic media & advertizing, to promote the genocide shot as 'safe & effective.' Pine Needle Tea important, as may be Purple Pitcher Plant, & Zeolite, possibly Borax. Many health food stores have a combo vitamin with the basics of zinc, magnesium, vit C, vit D, quercitin. Literally everybody should be developing & researching a healing/ cleansing protocol that works for you. Covid was never any real danger, except perhaps as much as pneumonia is to the elderly. All a game to get you to take their poison shot.

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It has now been shown that DNA is being altered by the shot's transgender gene therapy ingredients. The graphene-oxide is self-replicating, & appears to be a form of nano-technology, which moves around & builds with other particles of graphene, like Kinnects magnets. A European medical panel early in the pandemic said that graphene-oxide fully self-replicates within six hours. Suramin, made from pine needles, appears to block this self-replication process. Many doctors' protocols are suggesting pine needle tea/ RED pine needle oil (LivePine). I have also read that pine needle tea may dissolve the graphene-oxide, tho' the only thing known for certain to do so is food-grade or even regular unscented Borax. A 1/8th tspn pinch in a pint of water sipped over the course of a day, is how i have heard to do, tho' i've yet to try it myself. The pine needle tea i drink daily now. Some suggest Zeolite, with no other ingredients. It acts as a 'grabber', as does activated charcoal, bentonite clay (Sonne's 7), PectaSol modified citrus pectin, while Essiac Tea (Floressence) is a good detox. NAC (N-Acetyl Cystine) also acts as a grabber/ potential dissolver. Everyone, even the vax-free, should be on a good cleansing protocol which includes at least some of these items. I am quite sure there is something the elite are taking to protect themselves, likely Suramin, tho' i have recently read about Purple Pitcher Plant (Serrasenia Purpurea) being highly significant at dealing with man-made noxious biological agents. May God help everyone, prayers & much love.

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